In advanced military aviation, two stealth fighter jets stand out: the American F-35 Lightning II and the Russian Sukhoi Su-57. These two aircraft represent attempts by each country to engineer an advanced stealth fighter.
The F-35, a product of Lockheed Martin since 2006, has seen widespread service, with over 1,000 units already serving in multiple countries. Various branches of the US armed forces have plans to acquire more of these aircraft. The F-35 first saw combat when the Israeli Air Force deployed it in 2018.
The Su-57, manufactured by the United Aircraft Corporation, is a twin-engine stealth multirole fighter aircraft. It’s the result of the PAK FA program, initiated in 1999 as an alternative to the MFI Mikoyan Project. Despite some technical and structural issues that led to delays and a crash of the first production aircraft, the Su-57 finally entered service with the Russian Aerospace Forces in December 2020.
Both aircraft are leaders in their field, but they have differences in capability. The F-35 specializes in low radar cross-section operations, while the Su-57 embodies stealth and can fire at specific angles. The F-35 has seen widespread demand worldwide, while the Su-57 offers unmatched speed and offensive power.
The F-35A, with its conventional takeoff and landing (CTOL) capability, empowers the U.S. Air Force and its allies to command the skies at any time and place. This agile, versatile, and high-performance multirole fighter, capable of pulling 9g, seamlessly blends stealth, sensor fusion, and an unprecedented level of situational awareness.