Air Force Fires Nuclear-Capable Long-Range StandOff Weapon from B-52

The US Air Force is arming its classic B-52 bomber with the cutting-edge, paradigm changing, nuclear capable Long-Range-Standoff (LRSO) weapon cruise missile
In "U.S. Air Force News"
Air Force to begin a new phase of construction for the emerging Long-Range Stand Off Weapon in 2022.
In "U.S. Air Force News"
Air Force now envisions an operational LRSO by the end of the 2020s
In "U.S. Air Force News"
The weapon will provide commanders with a wider range of attack options
In "Future Weapons News"
The Long Range Standoff Weapon (LRSO) is a nuclear-capable cruise missile intended to replace the long-serving Boeing AGM-86 Air Launched Cruise Missile (ALCM)
In "U.S. Air Force News"
The Air Force may start by acquiring as many as 12 AGM-183 ARRW weapons in 2022
In "U.S. Air Force News"