Present guidelines for hand-care are established by the CDC. They are fatally inadequate and require immediate revision if citizens and soldiers are to maximize their contribution to the health of their unit and nation. Present CDC guidelines for soap and water cleansing use too little water at too low a pressure for too short a time. Beginning microbiology classes teach that “dilution is a solution to pollution.” Placing bacteria or viruses in water will loosen their grip on surfaces and each other, decreasing their concentration and ability to infect. A forceful stream of water will displace bacteria or viruses from any surface. Present CDC guidelines for the use of alcohol-based hand sanitizers suggest rubbing in the product until gone, usually less than 30 seconds.
To be effective at killing viruses alcohol gel must surround viruses at full 70% concentration for at least a minute. Since 95% of hand microbes reside beneath the fingernails, that area must be significantly emptied before any chemical is applied. Studies show that 20% of microbes beneath the fingernails remain after a 4-minute alcohol scrub; 1-3% remain after a 90-second power wash.
To address the shortcomings of CDC Guidelines, Clean Hands Inc will market 2 unique sanitizers for hands and surfaces and 2 unique devises, a hollow-ground nail pick and a water-powered hand washer. The nonalcoholic hand sanitizer contains a quaternary ammonium organsilicate that physically disrupts all bacteria and viruses on contact and deposits a membrane that forms a molecular bond with skin, disrupting all organisms that contact it for 24 hours or 10 soap and water washings. It will be applied after power-washing and drying the nail beds.
The antimicrobial surface cleaner contains the same organosilicate utilized in the hand sanitizer. It stays on nonporous surfaces for 30 days. It should be applied to all surfaces touched by any personnel. The hollow-ground nail pick removes dirt, debris and microbes from beneath the fingernail and shaves off a thin layer of keratin from the underside of the nail to disrupt microbial home-sites and facilitate delivery of water and nonalcoholic hand sanitizer.
The water-powered hand washer delivers full residential water pressure (30-40 PSI) to a fan nozzle directed at the nail beds, effectively emptying them. It’s designed to capture all spray and mist generated within the enclosure. The enclosure will be impregnated with the same organosilicate utilized in treatments for hands and surfaces. This will destroy any microbes present at the conclusion of the power-rinse and eliminate cross contamination from user to user. Just dry it and start again.
I will outline a single hand-cleaning session that provides safe hands for 24 hours. Times are for each hand.