How is Iran Flying Upgraded F-14 Tomcats?
The F-14 fighter jet was the ideal aircraft for Iranian pilots, as it effectively challenged the Soviet MiG-25R Foxbat jets over Iranian territory.
The F-14 fighter jet was the ideal aircraft for Iranian pilots, as it effectively challenged the Soviet MiG-25R Foxbat jets over Iranian territory.
Iran’s ability to keep flying US-built F-14s may be as mysterious as it is potentially concerning
In "U.S. Navy News"
F-22s can use their stealth to close in unobserved to less than 1000ft to either kill the F-14s
In "U.S. Air Force News"
Air War: Stealth F-22 Raptor vs. F-14 Tomcat (That Iran Still Flies)
In "U.S. Air Force News"
A full-scale military campaign against Iran would require the United States to destroy the Iranian air forceUS
In "U.S. Air Force News"
The famous 2-seater F-14 Tomcat has found a permanent resting place in the hearts and minds of US Navy personnel and countless other aviation enthusiasts
In "U.S. Navy News"