Emerging waterways, lush terrain and tangled bushing make it more difficult for Soldiers to track, find and destroy hidden
enemies in the jungle – a scenario which is inspiring a current Army effort to send a newly configured “jungle boot” to war.
A new Version 2 jungle boot is now being fielded to the Army’s 25th Infantry Division as part of a broader process to deploy a new, durable, high-tech, water resistant boot designed to enable maximum jungle combat capability.
Soldier field testing with the boot is expected to take place in the next few months, as a key step toward ultimately developing and deploying a new boot.
The idea with the boot is to design gear able to maximize combat effectiveness in a jungle environment – and create something that does not puncture easily or hold water.
“The current boots are not designed for the jungle environment. They do not have puncture protection and a lot of them are designed with cushion to add comfort which is just a sponge for water and dirt in the jungle. These boots are designed not to hold moisture and they offer great traction in the mud,” said Col. Stephen Thomas, project manager with Soldier Protection and Individual Equipment, PEO Soldier.