And yet, in order to achieve influence and pursue its ambitions beyond the European continent, Russia will need a far more formidable Naval presence.
But does that mean Russia needs an aircraft carrier?
The Russian Navy and the Aircraft Carrier Question
While Russia may not have the ambition to operate as a massive global power with a forward presence across the globe similar to the U.S. Navy, the country does have clear ambitions in the Arctic and Black Sea.
Russia borders the famous and often discussed Northern Sea route providing clear access to the Arctic, and the country has certainly been increasing its Arctic presence and influence in recent years.
Russia is known to operate a large number of icebreakers but has only one carrier which is now being repaired and not available. Would Russia need more aircraft carriers should its leaders wish to capture more territory and influence in the fast-changing Arctic?
The answer would seem to be yes, as an ability to project power and maintain a forward presence in waters near the Arctic would prove critical to any ability to maintain influence or present a threat there. In recent years, for instance, Russia has added more bases, equipment, and personnel to various locations throughout the Arctic.