Does Ukraine Show Tanks Are Too Vulnerable For Modern War?
The massive and somewhat surprising destruction of Russian tanks in the Ukraine war may lead some war planners to question the long-term utility of the main battle tank
There are many reasons for such tank failures, perhaps the largest simply being Ukrainian tenacity and “will to fight.” Ukrainians fighting Russian tanks are also credited with using advanced and highly-successful tactics such as hit-and-run ambush-style attacks using terrain, buildings, or narrowly configured passageways such as bridges or intersections to stage successful attacks.
Ukrainians are credited with using dispersed, dismounted units of fighters able to both decentralize and yet still bring precision and lethality against Russian armor with weapons such as the Javelin anti-tank missile.
Indeed, Russia’s many observable tactical failures, poor Combined Arms Maneuver, and a somewhat inept combat approach can explain why large numbers of Russia’s tanks have been destroyed, yet Ukrainian proficiency, resolve, and tactical ability have definitely been large factors.
Upgraded anti-armor weapons with enhancements such as greater range, targeting accuracy, and explosives have also likely been a factor in Ukraine’s success against Russian tanks.
Weapons developers around the world have taken notice of Ukrainian success with these weapons and tactics. The Marine Corps Force Design 2030, for example, initially called for a large reduction in heavy armor in its plans for a future force.
The text of the Corps’ Force Design 2030 document specifically cites developments in Ukraine as an indicator that heavy armor may prove less critical in future wars to a certain extent given the potential vulnerability. Larger amounts of heavy armor were put back in the plans, yet the Ukraine situation has greatly impacted thinking.