Hello and welcome to Warrior Maven, the Center for Military Modernization. I’m Kris Osborn, very significant guest today and amazing American, the Commander of the Gulf War air campaign as well as Operation Enduring Freedom, retired Lieutenant Colonel David Deptula. He is a former F-15 pilot as well and currently serves as the Dean of the very prestigious Mitchell Institute for Aerospace studies. Sir, it’s a pleasure to have you thank you for your expertise.
Precision Munitions
Kris Osborn
I have to ask you about precision munitions. Given your expertise, having won the Gulf War, I recall the advent of land fire, GPS, artillery, 2007 2008 and rockets. Sure enough, you were there overseeing the advent of GPS from the air JDAMs precision guided air dropped weapons. Clearly, any quick look at the Russian papers and publicly available information will tell you the Russians have precision weaponry, both ground on the rockets, as well as likely from the air, yet there are these deliberate bombardments and murdering of children?
Lieutenant General David A. Deptula (Ret.)
Yeah, well, the Russians philosophy is not one that is concurrent with the laws of armed conflict, or the Geneva Conventions. A, you know, the actual statistics over the last two weeks is that the Russians have attacked hospitals in over 18 circumstances. I’m here to tell you that I’m pretty certain that we’re going to see Vladimir Putin in front of the International Criminal Court and prosecuted not unlike Milosevic, because of their complete and total disregard of avoiding civilian casualties in quite frankly, the intentional targeting of civilians and civilian infrastructure. So the Russian military is not interested in the precision use of the munitions that they have.
Air Supremacy
Kris Osborn
Well, sir, what do you make of this thus far, the Pentagon consistently says there has been no air supremacy established some discussion about the effectiveness of Ukraine fighters, and of course, the addition of air defenses, the specifics about which air defenses Ukraine getting are not available naturally for security reasons, but the Pentagon says air defenses are going to the Ukrainians, of course, the Russians have their air defenses. Why haven’t they if they have so many more aircraft, the Russian have as many as 700 fighter aircraft – why don’t they have air superiority?