Beneath the highly visible shadow of the now commissioned first-in-class stealthy USS Zumwalt destroyer, the Navy has been quietly making rapid progress with its second Zumwalt-class destroyer – the soon-to-be USS Michael Monsoor – slated for HM&E delivery this month, service officials said.
The ship, called DDG 1001, has now been delivered following extensive tests, trials and demonstrations of the ship’s HM&E systems including the boat handling, anchor and mooring systems as well as major demonstrations of the damage control, ballasting, navigation and communications systems, a statement from Naval Sea Systems Command said.
Hull, Mechanical & Electrical delivery is a key step toward ultimately reaching operational status, according statements by Capt. Kevin Smith, Zumwalt program manager.
The HM&E delivery follows Navy reports of successful acceptance trials for DDG 1001 during which the ship tested power propulsion systems and high-speed turns while also assessing the HM&E engineering systems, according to a statement from General Dynamics Bath Iron Works.
Much like the lead Zumwalt-class ship, the 2nd is envisioned as a stealthy, multi-mission land and blue-water attack platform armed with long-range precision fires, a wide range of offensive and defensive missiles, faster computer processing speed and an electric drive Integrated Propulsion System with 78-megawatts of on-board electrical power.