Warrior Video Above: USS Zumwalt Commander Capt. Carlson Describes Riding the Stealthy Ship in Stormy Seas
By Michael Peck***, The National Interest***
China is making great efforts to detect U.S. submarines.
Scientists at a Chinese research institute say they developed an airborne laser that might eventually detect hostile subs even at great depths.
Meanwhile, scientists at another institute also claim to have developed a magnetic detection device that might spot subs.
Researchers at the Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics say they have tested lasers that can detect objects more than 160 meters (525 feet) beneath the water, or twice as deep as current equipment.
“The Shanghai team used a beam generated by green and blue lasers,” according to the South China Morning Post. “As light – even laser, a pure, coherent form of light – scatters faster in water than in air, the beam must be very powerful to go deep. Laser devices generate an energized beam of light of a single color, or frequency. Green and blue beams can penetrate water with relative ease.