How Dangerous is China’s New Type 05 Amphibious Vehicle?
The People’s Liberation Army Ground Force apparently has a new amphibious armored reconnaissance vehicle
The People’s Liberation Army Ground Force apparently has a new amphibious armored reconnaissance vehicle
The first eighteen of the Marine Corps’ new Amphibious Combat Vehicle arrived at Twentynine Palms
In "U.S. Navy News"
The Marine Corps is preparing to fire live weapons at its new Amphibious Combat Vehicle
In "U.S. Navy News"
The Type 05’s road wheels and tracks are able to retract into the hull
In "U.S. Navy News"
Highly capable Chinese Type 05 fighting vehicles leave the well decks of assault ships
In "U.S. Army | Marines News"
The new ACV can travel roughly 13 miles through water, at about six knots, from ship to shore, it can hit speeds of 60mph on land for hundreds of miles inland.
In "U.S. Navy News"
To assess survivability, Corps live fire will attack the ACV with weapons until attacks achieve "total destruction"
In "U.S. Navy News"