The United States Navy’s Virginia-class nuclear-powered attack submarines [3] are among the most successful vessels of their kind. Overall, the program continues to run smoothly, delivering boats on time and on budget.
In short, the Virginia-class is [4] a success story for the Navy and the service has increased the number of boats it intends to buy from 30 to 48. It is also possible that the number of Virginia-class submarines to be built might increase as the Navy ramps up to production to meet its revised requirement for 66 attack submarines, up from 48 boats. However, as time goes on, the Navy is starting to run out of room for upgrades and may have to switch to a next-generation SSN(X) design [5].
The Navy is set to begin construction of the new Block V Virginia-class submarine in fiscal year 2019, which incorporates the Virginia Payload Module (VPM). The VPM significantly boosts the submarine’s firepower with the addition of four tubes each capable of carrying seven Tomahawk cruise missiles for a total of 28 additional weapons. The addition of the VPM hull section does not mean the end of the Virginia-class’ evolution, the Navy hopes to include other improvements to the vessels under the Tactical Submarine Evolution Plan (TSEP).
Under the TSEP, the Navy does not want to wait for major Block changes before inserting new technologies onto the Virginia. Instead of waiting for Block VI to insert upgrades as it would under current practices, under the TSEP plan, the service would drop new technology into the vessels as those new systems are ready for fielding. As TSEP starts to become a reality, the traditional dividing lines that would have separated a Block V, VI, VII and even the forthcoming SSN(X) replacement for the Virginia are expected to start to disappear.