Navy Accelerates Future “Hybrid” Fleet & Drone Explosion
The Navy’s fast-emerging vision for a “Hybrid” fleet with 40-percent of the force unmanned is surging into reality
By Kris Osborn, President, Center for Military Modernization
Capt. Scot Searles, Program Manager, Unmanned Systems, Naval Sea Systems Command
“Eventually, our goal is to be able to hopefully someday .. we will be able to take autonomy originally developed for a surface vessel and see autonomy implemented onto an undersea vehicle and visa versa Later this year we will be migrating autonomy software that was purpose built for one autonomous vehicle and migrated into another autonomous vehicle. It is a proof of concept into the idea of Unmanned Maritime Autonomy Architecture,” Capt. Scot Searles said at the Surface Navy Association Symposium in January, 2023.
(Washington DC) The Navy’s fast-emerging vision for a “Hybrid” fleet with 40-percent of the force unmanned is surging into reality as the service builds, tests and matures new prototype surface, air and undersea drones.
Drone Explosion
It could easily be called a “drone explosion,” as it has been something underway for many years now, and the effort gains new traction and milestone breakthroughs regularly.
The Chief of Naval Operations Adm. MIchael Gilday’s vision of a “hybrid” fleet has been taking shape for several years now as something prioritizing rapid development of increasingly autonomous networked unmanned systems, yet with a clear and decisive premium being placed on manned-unmanned teaming.