Warrior Maven Video Above – New Navy Mine-Attack Strategy
By Kris Osborn – Warrior Maven
The Navy can now use sonar and video-guided underwater warheads to attack and destroy enemy sea mines at the bottom of the ocean, improving protection for submarines and surface ships while bringing new combat ability to maritime war operations, service officials said.
Operating from a MH-60S maritime helicopter, the Airborne Mine Neutralization System (AMNS) is designed to enable Carrier Strike Groups, Expeditionary Strike Groups and Amphibious attack missions to improve combat access while lowering risk to surface ships and sailors.
“The Navy established a requirement for rapid neutralization of bottom and moored sea mines to support operations in littoral zones, confined straits, choke points and the amphibious objective area,” Alan Baribeau, Spokesman for Naval Sea Systems Command, told Warrior Maven earlier this year.
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Kris Osborncan be reached atKrisosborn.ko@gmail.com