US to Sell India 31 Hellfire-Armed Reaper “Hunter-Killer” Attack Drones
Biden Administration approved a $4-billion sale of 31 MQ-9B “Reaper” hunter-killer drones
By Logan Williams, Warrior Editorial Fellow
On February 1st, the Biden Administration approved a $4-billion sale of 31 MQ-9B “Reaper” hunter-killer drones, with 170 “Hellfire” missiles, 310 small-diameter munitions, as well as other related materials — such as anti-submarine equipment and radars for mission-specific use.
These drones are manufactured by General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, the company responsible for the design of the infamous MQ-1 “Predator” drone, which saw extensive service during the United States’ interventions in the Middle East.
In fact, the Reaper was designed as a replacement for the Predator drone, but with greater range, endurance, strike capacity, and other various upgrades. Notably, the Reaper drone can carry double the number of Hellfire missiles or other small munitions, compared to its lightly-armed predecessor, which could only carry a maximum of two missiles or other munitions.
These MQ-9 “Reaper” drones come in two variations: The SkyGuardian and the SeaGuardian. These two variants largely defer based upon the mission-specific equipment that is attached to the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). These UAV’s are specifically designed for “bolt-on, bolt-off” customizability with different technology and armaments, for maximum functionality in a large variety of missions.
Warrior talks to Air Force Research Lab Commander About Manned-Unmanned Teaming
India has some experience with these American-made drones.