(Washington, D.C.) The Air Force’s now airborne 6th Gen aircraft may indeed incorporate several unprecedented technological breakthroughs in the areas of speed, stealth, maneuverability, weapons and AI-enabled sensing, some of which may surpass the limits of current F-35 performance.
While early in development and as of yet unproven, program acceleration, rapid progress and high-enthusiasm for the Air Force’s 6th-Gen Next Generation Air Dominance platform may all be appropriate.
However, there are several variables often overlooked when it comes to the argument that the anticipated value-added of a 6th-Gen aircraft suggests or even justifies a massive reduction in planned F-35s.
The Impact of F-35s and F-22s
Should F-35s be reduced as part of the accelerated effort to fast-track large numbers of 6th Gen aircraft to war? No. They are intended to complement one another and may indeed be distinct aircraft with slightly different mission sets and technical characteristics.