(Washington, D.C.) Can the fast emerging, carrier-launched Chinese J-31 5th-generation stealthy aircraft truly rival the U.S. F-35C or F-35B? The actual answer to this question may remain unknown or even somewhat mysterious, however there do appear to be some unanswered questions which may answer or at least shed light upon this.
First to Detect and Destroy
It would seem that any margin of difference is likely to reside in the realm of sensing, AI-enabled computing, weapons applications and, simply put, range. Whichever aircraft is able to see, detect and destroy the other first with longer-range, high-fidelity sensors and longer range, precision guided weapons is likely to prevail.
Certainly a similarity between the external configuration or stealth characteristics is noticeable by simply looking at the design, which does look like an F-35, what about heat signature, sensor ranges, data organization or weapons reach? Answers to these unknown questions are likely to provide the answer.
Detecting, tracking and destroying enemy aircraft at much farther standoff ranges, before it is detected itself, is a fundamental part of F-35 capacity. It is an ability which has thus far already proved extremely significant in wargames.
FC-31 Vertical Take-Off and Landing
As a platform intended to launch from Chinese carriers, the FC-31 jet does not appear to operate with any kind of F-35B-like vertical take-off-and-landing, and any ability to parallel, replicate or in any way “match” the computing, sensing and weapons capabilities of an F-35 jet, may be unknown.
Should amphibious assault ship-launched U.S. F-35B jets attack the Chinese Navy or defend Taiwan, Chinese surface assets may not be able to respond or match the threat without having one of its two aircraft carriers armed with the planes immediately available in the vicinity. Not having a vertical take off ability could certainly limit a J-31’s operational reach and effectiveness.
FC-31 Sensing and Computing
While stealthy, the F-35 likely achieves its superiorityas much through sensing, computing, data analysis and software-enabled weapons attacks as it does with a stealthy exterior. To what extent might an FC-31 jet replicate this? That is perhaps unknown to a large degree, yet it might be a deciding or crucial factor when it comes to assessing the seriousness of the actual threat posed by the aircraft.