The S-400 is reportedly able to engage thirty-six targets simultaneously. According to some sources, every unit comes with eight launchers, each one of which is equipped with thirty-two missiles.
China is preparing to carry out its first test of the Russian built S-400 air defense system, according to Russian media outlets.
News of the test was reported on July 27 by TASS, a Russian media outlet.
TASS quoted “a military and diplomatic source” as saying, “It is planned that in late July-early August the unit of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army, which underwent training in Russia, will carry out the firing against a simulated ballistic target at a Chinese firing ground.”
The test is coming right on the heels of China receiving the first regimental set of the Russian built S-400 Triumf system. On July 26, a day before the report about the test, TASS said that the first systems had been officially handed over to China the week before.
TASS further quoted “a military diplomatic source” as saying, “Last week, an acceptance certificate was signed for the first batch of S-400 systems that was delivered from Russia by sea in May 2018. The systems passed over to China’s ownership once the documents was signed.”
Earlier, TASS had reported that the first S-400s were actually delivered to China in March or April 2018.