High-Speed Light Attack JAS 39 Gripen Fights Into the Future With Sweden, Hungary & Czech
There could be a continued place for a high-speed, light attack and reconnaissance plane.
By Kris Osborn, President, Center for Military Modernization
(Washington DC) The JAS 39 Gripen – Explained: In an age dominated by rapidly arriving 5th-generation aircraft around the world, a growing European coalition of networked F-35s, Russian, and Chinese 5th-generation efforts, some might wonder if there could be a continued place for a high-speed, light attack and reconnaissance plane.
Next Generation JAS 39Gripen
There may indeed be a critical place for such an aircraft, given the scope of upgrades built into the Saab Gripen next generation, a new variant of the single-engine multi-role fighter manufactured by Swedish company Saab.
The Swedish Air Force and Brazilian Air Force both began to receive the Super JAS, JAS 39E/F Gripen in 2019, a development that suggests there is indeed great value in a new Gripen variant.
The upgraded JAS 39 E/F Gripen includes a larger frame and fuselage, a more powerful engine, increased weapons payload capacity, a new cockpit, and electronic warfare integration.
The Super JAS is a new variant of the 1980s-era Gripen, which Swedish newspapers say is presenting the Swedish military with substantial budget challenges. In order to free up enough funds to support the rapid development of the Super JAS, a Swedish newspaper called “The Local” says the country’s military will need to cut back on other key priorities.
Throughout the Gripen’s development, Saab has made progress with several industry partners, including BAE and a Norwegian defense firm. The aircraft has also been upgraded in recent years to incorporate a number of innovations now fundamental to the F-35 such as a helmet-mounted display, Active Electronically Scanned Array radar, and air-to-air weapons such as the AIM-9X.
Family of Gripens
Gripen became operational with the Swedish Air Force in 1997, and since that time more than 200 Gripen have been delivered and as many as 28 two-seat variants, according to information published by SAAB.