A Chinese government-backed newspaper is reporting new details of an upgraded People’s Liberation Army attack helicopter called the Z-10. The Chinese aircraft is described as a tank and ship killer capable of land and maritime attacks.
The helicopter, which looks like a deliberate blending of designs between the U.S. Army’s famous Apache attack helicopter and several somewhat stealthy attack/reconnaissance helicopters now being built for the service’s Future Vertical Lift program.
China’s Z-10 Attack Helicopter: Weapons
Some of the new details of the Z-10, explained in the Global Times newspaper, include the mention of its ability to arm up with up to 16 anti-tank missiles, four 7-barrel multiple rocket launchers and 32-barrel multiple rocket launchers. The Global Times quotes a Z-10 pilot describing that the helicopter can be specifically configured for different missions.
“Missiles will be used against armored vehicles and tanks, and rockets and the gun will be used against infantry targets,” the paper states. “When attacking a hostile tank group, the Z-10 will usually carry eight air-to-ground missiles and two multiple rocket launchers……the missile has an accuracy of 85 percent and each Z-10 sortie can at least destroy six enemy tanks.”
The helicopter can carry both air-to-ground and air-to-air missiles and rockets and is armed with a 23 millimeter caliber revolver gun.