The J-20 will soon be able to fly with a “naval aviator” in position to support pilot decision-making, identify targets, track threats, and potentially even direct strikes.
By Kris Osborn, President, Center for Military Modernization
The People’s Liberation Army Air Force seems to have stepped forward publicly with a new variant of its J-20, which has long been on the radar as a possibility.
In essence, this means the J-20 will soon be able to fly with a “naval aviator” in position to support pilot decision-making, identify targets, track threats, and potentially even direct strikes.
This possibility, demonstrated for years by the US Navy with its high-speed Tomcat, appears to present significant value-added in several respects.
At the same time, it also seems to raise questions, to a degree, about the effectiveness of PLA Air Force AI, targeting and F-35-like “sensor-fusion” ability.
With all of that said, what should we make of this new J-20S? What sort of future will it have in the skies, and is it a threat to the U.S. military and its allies?