Russia Builds Unmanned T-14 Armata Drone Tank
The appearance of heavy unmanned combat vehicles is a matter of the near future
The appearance of heavy unmanned combat vehicles is a matter of the near future
Newer variants of the M1 Abrams tank will include new laser rangefinder technology, color cameras, integrated onboard networks, ammunition data links and laser warning receivers
In "Russia Ukraine"
Russia has been using its new T-14 Armata main battle tank in Ukraine since April,
In "Russia Ukraine"
Okhotnik, which means “Hunter,” is a large flying-wing style Unmanned Combat Air Vehicle.
In "Future Weapons News"
The Army is now thinking beyond the Abrams, newly demonstrated Abrams X and RussianT-14 Armata
In "U.S. Army | Marines News"
Putin has now deployed Russia’s highly touted T-14 Armata next-generation tank to Ukraine
In "Russia Ukraine"
Army and industry weapons developers have begun work on an advanced next-generation...Abrams
In "U.S. Army | Marines News"