Imagine you’re a politician in a nation hostile to the United States. As you sit down to eat dinner, the phone rings. Is is a spammer with a great credit card deal or an offer to rid your computer of fake viruses? No, it’s the voice of an American soldier, speaking your language fluently, advising you not to resist the U.S. troops headed your way.
The call came not from a cell phone but from a little drone. And not just one drone, but hundreds or thousands of them swarming your nation and clogging your phone lines, radio, and TV channels with carefully prepared propaganda messages.
That seems to be the dream of U.S. Special Operations Command (SOCOM), home of America’s commandos. SOCOM has just published a list of desired technologies that, as usual, has some exotic projects.
One is titled “Micro-UAV FM, TV, and Cellular Messaging Broadcast.” It asks industry to provide micro-UAVs, weighing one pound or less, that can be used in swarms for “information dissemination.”