China Launched Third Aircraft Carrier This Year
When will the vessel set sail? How many aircraft can it deploy with?
When will the vessel set sail? How many aircraft can it deploy with?
Admiral Kuznetsov is Russia’s one and only aircraft carrier – and it might be their last.
In "Russia Ukraine"
China appears to be eyeing a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier.
In "U.S. Navy News"
The "Fujian" will launch the J-15 and the emerging J-35 5th-gen stealth fighter aircraft.
In "China Watch"
PLA Navy’s Fujian returned to Jiangnan Shipyard in Shanghai on June 11 after trials in the Yellow Sea
In "China Watch"
By Kris Osborn, President, Warrior The pace at which the People’s Republic of China is building and adding Navy ships and aircraft carriers is not likely to be overlooked at Pentagon and throughout the world. China is fast expanding its global power projection ability, and perhaps even more concerning to…
In "China Watch"
The PLA-Navy’s “Fujian” third carrier is now on the ocean for sea trials
In "China Watch"