What would it mean for future combat if an armed robotic vehicle could itself launch a mini- attack drone into the air to destroy an approaching aircraft or ground vehicle?
The Army wants to find out, and is working with industry to experiment with and develop a new suite of weapons and sensors for a new generation of ground robots.
Drone Launch: Aerovironment’s Switchblade
One industry innovator now supporting the Army’s Robotic Combat Vehicle – Medium prototyping and development effort is building a 10-ton armored robotic vehicle designed to launch drones such as Aerovironment’s Switchblade. The Switchblade can operate as a mini-drone explosive able to launch from a host vehicle and descend upon and destroy a target.
General Dynamics Land Systems is now prototyping the TRX robotic ground vehicle able to breach obstacles using a plow blade and clear mines with a manipulating arm. The vehicle can also be armed with a 30mm cannon. While lightweight and robotic, the TRX is engineered with weapons advanced sensors.
Earlier this year the TRX was demonstrated to the Army as an autonomous resupply vehicle using standard military cargo containers, yet it can also be configured for surveillance and attack missions.