For many years, I have visited American battlefields. Places where ordinary people gave their lives for extraordinary causes. Places where leadership was put to the test and leading from the front spurred Armies to achieve inconceivable victory. You can almost sense the fear and bravery, the quiet resolution and the brutal death. In all the battles that we have fought on American soil, we have been victorious. Generation after generation benefiting from the these incredible, yet very fallible people that found the cause of freedom and democracy worth the struggle.
We need this leadership today. There are moments, tipping points, when a single individual can make a difference. A person can take stock of all their life’s decisions and find that these actions warrant the ultimate sacrifice and from that, potentially the greatest reward. I felt that way when I fought in Iraq with my Soldiers, hundreds of whom I remain in contact. There was nothing that was going to stop us from our mission.
The US has been invaded by a virus, whether from China innocently or through deceit, no longer matters. The history and science books will dissect the reasons and blame. The focus is on developing a strategy that attacks and protects this nation from the destruction of not recognizing the real challenge ahead. We will never go back to February 2020. America will never, ever be the same. Some may mourn that fact, but often from chaos comes enormous opportunity. I am sure you know that from your business endeavors. There is no straight line and we are often better off on the path less traveled. We cannot wait and we cannot assume time will pass and we will be fixed. There must be coordinated and decisive action, like that of the leaders that entered the fray of battle knowing full well the risks of defeat and yet moving forward, always forward. The country is ready for the kind of bold leadership of our founders as we face this unprecedented enemy.