The Army-led Joint Light Tactical Vehicles (JLTV) program is expanding its scope, reach and production rates to incorporate a growing number of U.S. allies interested in acquiring the now upgunned next-generation ruggedized tactical vehicle.
Oshkosh Defense, JLTV Production
U.S. Army Contracting Command just awarded a new JLTV production contract to its maker Oshkosh Defense for 1,669 vehicles along with companion trailers to support Army, Marine Corps, Air Force and Navy forces as well as a growing list of NATO countries and allied partners.
Some of the allied countries receiving vehicles include Lithuania, Montenegro, Slovenia and Brazil, an Oshkosh Defense press statement said.
“Integrated lethality on an agile and protected vehicle like the Oshkosh JLTV is quickly filling capability gaps that exist in many international militaries,” John Lazar, Vice President and General Manager of International Programs for Oshkosh Defense, said in a company press statement.
“This past year, we’ve seen an increased interest in the Oshkosh JLTV from international customers with dynamic demonstrations and live fires across Europe with more planned for 2022.”
While the program has existed for many years now, its continued expansion seems to suggest the continued global appetite for the blend of attributes woven into the vehicle.
Since its inception, engineers and Army planners developing the vehicle sought a new platform to not only replace the Humvee in terms of function as a tactical transport all-purpose vehicle but also expand beyond the Humvee’s more limited mission set to incorporate a wider operational envelope.