International Court of Justice Issued a Ruling Against Russian “Genocide”
Multiple reports say at least 100 children have been killed with thousands more becoming refugees daily in a mass exodus from the seemingly relentless Russian attacks.
Alongside the fires, explosions, and sheer devastation Russian attacks are causing to Ukraine and its civilian population, there is a less visible but extremely significant humanitarian struggle underway as residents fight for their lives, scramble to escape or simply try to acquire food, water, heat and other basic supplies.
The extent of human suffering is now being seen to a larger degree by numerous TV cameras showing burning buildings, killed and injured pregnant mothers and even groups of killed Ukrainians lying on the concrete.
Multiple news reports and statistics from humanitarian organizations cataloging casualties emerge almost daily with greatly escalating numbers, while many countries and international aid efforts scramble to accelerate humanitarian relief.
Multiple reports say at least 100 children have been killed with thousands more becoming refugees daily in a mass exodus from the seemingly relentless Russian attacks.
One key humanitarian effort focused specifically on saving kids in Ukraine, called Kidsave, reports that 2,626 children have been rescued by Kidsave supporters and volunteer drivers.