The Pentagon has been quite vocal in announcing the critical importance of its ongoing efforts to avoid escalation with Russia and face what many consider a possible World War III … a confrontation between NATO and Russia.
NATO & F-35s
At the same time, the Pentagon’s readiness and deterrence posture is also clearly in full force, meaning the US military continues to take decisive steps to ensure it is fully ready to respond quickly and forcefully should it need to defend NATO territory. The preparations include a wide range of activities to include the forward positioning of F-35s in Eastern Europe, training exercises in Poland with the US Army and US Marines, and a strong US presence in the Mediterranean and Baltic Sea.
“At sea, we have over 15,000 sailors in the Med and the Baltics on 24 surface combatants and four subs, up from six surface combatants back in the fall. In the air, we currently have 12 fighter squadrons and two combat aviation brigades. And on the ground, we have two corps, two divisions and six brigade combat teams, along with a variety of enablers,” Gen. Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told reporters following a Ukraine summit.
Milley further elaborated by explaining the sizable jump in US forces along NATO’s Eastern Flank, rising from 78,000 last Fall to roughly 100,000.
Available 5th-generation aircraft, for instance, could prove decisive almost immediately should NATO be compelled to defend its territory or launch military operations in defense of Poland or the Baltics. Russia is known to operate only a handful of Su-57 stealth fighter jets, whereas the US Air Force alone operates several hundred F-35s.