Air Force Global Hawk Shifts From Military to Life-Saving Humanitarian Missions
Air Force report from 2010 describes how RQ-4 Global Hawk drones surveilled damaged airport areas
Air Force report from 2010 describes how RQ-4 Global Hawk drones surveilled damaged airport areas
A new Global Hawk Ground Station Modernization Program took its first flight at Edwards Air Force Base
In "U.S. Air Force News"
Air Force pursues a two-fold path with Global Hawk Drone - Retirement & Upgrades
In "U.S. Air Force News"
40 Years of Service: The Black Hawk Helicopter
In "U.S. Air Force News"
US Air Force RQ-4 Global Hawk drones and other NATO surveillance assets have been circling within surveillance range of the Crimean Peninsula and other parts of Southern Ukraine from the Black Sea
In "Russia Ukraine"
The CH-6 Drone reportedly flies with EO/IR cameras, Synthetic Aperture Radar and Early Warning Radar technologies that exist on Global Hawks and Reapers
In "China Watch"