It might have been nearly unimaginable 6-months ago .. but could Ukraine “win” its war against Russian invaders? This is now a realistic and legitimate question, given the unanticipated intensity and success with which Ukrainians have fought off their attackers. What started as an intense willingness to defend their homeland, children and families, has now captured the world’s attention as a seemingly improbable story of survival and resilience.
While there may be no way to truly measure intangibles such as “tenacity,” “resolve” or sheer intensity of effort, it appears the intersection of pure desire, survival instinct, a need to protect children and a somewhat unexpected tactical proficiency has yielded seemingly impossible results … Ukrainian success.
Ukraine on Offense
As surprising as this may sound, given the sheer numerical advantage of Russian forces, Ukraine has launched an offensive.
“Are they on the offensive? I think they are. …Over the past couple of weeks, we’ve seen them making some offensive moves in and around the Kherson pocket,” the senior official said, according to a Pentagon transcript.
The Senior official, speaking on background to media the Pentagon, went on to say that Ukrainian officials have specifically told the Pentagon that yes indeed they are on offense.