Robotic attack weapons, space-based attacks, cyber intrusions and AI-enabled high-speed, long-range warfare are all key factors anticipated to inform future warfare into the 2040s and beyond.
Although Amy Futurists believe to have a solid grasp on many of the technological trends now informing basic research and various preparations for warfare in future decades, many scientists and weapons developers are quite clear about the simple that that …. Future warfare will present the unexpected.
Weapons which are not now envisioned are anticipated as part of the kinds of war games and future warfare scenarios now envisioned by senior weapons developers.
Hyperactive Future Battlefield
Former Commanding General of Army Futures Command Gen. John Murray told Warrior a year or two ago that the expectation is that there will be a “hyperactive future battlefield,” a question I posed to a current senior Army weapons developer.
“The future battlefield is going to be hyperactive, complex and lethal in ways that we can only begin to imagine now. We know that our peer competitors have spent the last 20 plus years investing in capabilities that offset our distinct advantage,” Maj. Gen. John Rafferty, Director, Long Range Precision Fires Cross Functional Team, Army Futures Command, told Warrior in an interview.