Russian Attacks on Civilians – a Deliberate Tactical Shift
Russian attacks on civilians including the bombing of villages and cruise missile strikes against apartment buildings represent a specific tactical shift by attacking Russian forces
Deliberate Russian attacks on civilians including the bombing of villages and cruise missile strikes against apartment buildings represent a specific tactical shift put in place by the attacking Russian forces, perhaps due to their apparent inability to conduct successful coordinated, high-speed ground attacks.
This shift, which is driving a fast-growing civilian death toll, including large numbers of children, appears to be arriving to what former Army Generals describe as ineffective Combined Arms Maneuver, given the extent to which their land assault appears to have been stalled, injured and compromised by logistical challenges and successful Ukrainian ambush tactics.
Clearly Russia has the technological ability to fire carefully targeted precision weapons, intended to achieve a specific tactical and military impact while reducing collateral damage, yet there appears to be a specific Russian choice to disregard the advantages of precision targeting and instead directly attempt to kill the Ukrainian population.
“If your approach now is attrition and terror to get civilians on the road, you don’t need precision munitions if you are just lobbing rockets and artillery into cities,” Gen. Ben Hodges (Ret,), former Commander, US Army Europe, told Warrior in an interview.
Explaining the visible targeting of civilian populations in terms of deliberate tactical shift, Hodges explained their may be limits to how long the Russians can sustain these kinds of attacks.
“What I wonder is how many more of these missiles do they have. Those are expensive. We know on our own side we do not have enough ammo for extended sustained land operations. I am talking about big precision rockets. I think they are going to be running low pretty soon,” Hodges said.