Ukrainian forces have been attacking advancing Russian forces at key chokepoints, bridges and intersections to deny passage or strike Russian forces when they are more vulnerable
Despite being massively outnumbered by invading Russian forces and subject to continuous long-range rocket and artillery bombardment, Ukrainian fighters have now actually managed to “push back” Russian invaders are actually reclaiming territory they had previously held. “
Ukrainian Army Pushes Back Russian Forces
Ukrainian soldiers have forced Russian invaders back from the east side of Ukraine’s capital, Kyiv. Russians to the northwest of the city have begun digging defensive positions,” a senior pentagon official told reporters at a background briefing on the war, according to a transcript.
How is this happening, given the extent of Russian long-range bombing and heavy mechanized forces advancing on the Russian capital? For quite some time now it has been well understood that Russian forces are suffering morale problems and a lack of supplies such as food, water and ammunition.
Also, Ukrainian forces have been seizing the initiative and attacking advancing Russian forces at key chokepoints, bridges and intersections to deny passage or strike Russian forces when they are more vulnerable or exposed to incoming enemy fire in narrow passageways. The much-observed and widely discussed Russian convoy wound up being stuck in the mud, stalled and massively depleted, stalled and destroyed by Ukrainian ambushes and hit-and-run attacks.
Pentagon officials say these kinds of Ukrainian attacks have actually pushed Russian forces back a considerable distance.