By Jim Morris, Vice President, Warrior News
Congress Wants Future Carrier Funding
Several members of Congress are vowing to secure consistent funding for aircraft carrier construction. It’s an issue that’s become more urgent as China ramps up its threats against Taiwan. Any air campaign to counter a Chinese attack on Taiwan would have little chance of success without US Navy carriers. Warrior Essay HERE
Success in Combat: Navy Wants More SM-3 Interceptor Missiles
The US Navy is asking for more SM-3 missile interceptors. The weapon was deployed in combat for the first time last month, countering Iranian missiles that were launched in an unprecedented assault on Israel. Navy Secretary Carlos Del Toro told the House Armed Services Committee the Navy will need more SM-3s to help deter Chinese aggression in the Indo-Pacific. Warrior Essay HERE
Pentagon Replicator Drone Swarm
The Pentagon is speeding up its development of the Replicator drone swarm system. The system can be used for everything from jamming enemy air defenses to targeting and destroying enemy drones. It uses swarms of low-cost, networked drones which could be lost with little negative impact. Warrior Essay HERE